Expandable Cavities
The Expandable Cavity was developed for molding undercuts such as threads,dimples,and protrusions

The Expandable Cavity was developed for molding undercuts such as threads,dimples,and protrusions on the outside of the piece part.
The patented X-Cav design eliminates the endineering,maintenance,and machining required for side action mechanisms which allows for smaller molds or higher mold cavitation.
• Forms all of the molded detail
• Requires striker insert in "A"Side of mold
• Gating position must be from top
• Forms details such as bosses and posts with barbs
• Allows all motion to be in the "B"Side of mold
• Gating position allows for a conventional runner
Contact Engineering for a full design review and quote.
Expandable Cavities mold undercuts such as threads,
dimples, and protrusions.
The patented Ex-Cav design eliminates the engineering,
maintenance, and machining required for side action
mechanisms which results in smaller molds or highermold cavitation.
Technical Information:
• Four sizes offered to satisfy a wide range of parts.
• • The Ex-Cav expands along a conical shape, 10˚ per side.
• • Manufactured from A-2, 54-57 HRC material for repeatable expansion.
For optimal performance, the Ex-Cavs should ride against a hardened
• • Maximum temperature: 260˚C / 500˚ F
• • Expandable Cavities are capable of operating without lubrication.
However, treating the Ex-Cav with an additional coating for wear
reduction or corrosion resistance is beneficial.
• • Ex-Cavs can be ordered with molding detail for a ‘mold ready’
• • Fixturing bushings for machining details in house are also available.
• • Custom Ex-Cavs are available. Also, when an entire part is formed
within the cavity, an A-Series Ex-Cav can be provided, shown at left.
